THE EDITOR - Dusun 3 Kuala Sabah, Desa Kuala Dekah akan tenggelam saat Bendungan Lau Simeme di Kecamatan Sibiru-Biru, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia diaktifkan, namun ternyata masih ada warganya yang...
THE EDITOR - Ketua Umum Forum Karo Indonesia Raya (FKIR) Yantaras Sembiring Guru Kinayan mengatakan siap mengawal 2 tahun kinerja Bupati Terpilih Kabupaten Karo Antonius Ginting dengan menyediakan tenaga profesional dari universitas-universitas ternama di Indonesia untuk menyaring Kepala Dinas dan ASN (Aparatur Sipil Negara) yang berkualitas.
THE EDITOR - Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) melalui Direktorat Koordinasi dan Supervisi (Korsup) Wilayah V mengidentifikasi kebocoran di sektor perizinan tambak udang di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) akibat rendahnya sinkronisasi data antar instansi terkait.
THE EDITOR – The North Sumatra Regional Executive Board (Pengda) of the Gadjah Mada University Alumni Family (Kagama) signed an MoU with the Meda Vocational and Productivity Training Centre (BBPVP) to improve the competence of human resources in agriculture and animal husbandry through vocational training.
THE EDITOR – Makassar City has made another big achievement at the international level. The World Health Organisation (WHO) Southeast Asia Region awarded Healthy City Level 1 Accreditation to Makassar City in recognition of its commitment in realising a sustainable healthy city.
THE EDITOR – 50 Years of Didik Nini Thowok's Work held at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (TBY) on 6-8 December 2024 was enlivened by the performances of the Maestro's friends from all over the world.
THE EDITOR – The Kagama contingent of the North Sumatra Regional Board, Mayasari (38), won second place in the cultural cavalcade in the Nitilaku 2024 event held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the 15th Lustrum on Sunday (15/12/2024).