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To Improve Human Resources in the Region, North Sumatra Kagama Signs MoU with Medan BBPVP

THE EDITOR – The North Sumatra Regional Executive Board (Pengda) of the Gadjah Mada University Alumni Family (Kagama) signed an MoU with the Meda Vocational and Productivity Training Centre (BBPVP) to improve the competence of human resources in agriculture and animal husbandry through vocational training.

Makassar Achieves Healthy City Level 1 Award from WHO Southeast Asia

THE EDITOR – Makassar City has made another big achievement at the international level. The World Health Organisation (WHO) Southeast Asia Region awarded Healthy City Level 1 Accreditation to Makassar City in recognition of its commitment in realising a sustainable healthy city.

50 Years of Didik Nini Thowok’s Work! A Smart Chinese Man Who Stole the Start in Javanese Dance

THE EDITOR – 50 Years of Didik Nini Thowok's Work held at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (TBY) on 6-8 December 2024 was enlivened by the performances of the Maestro's friends from all over the world.

Mayasari from Kagama North Sumatera Contingent Wins 2nd Place in Fashion Competition of the 2024 UGM Nitilaku Cultural Calvade

THE EDITOR – The Kagama contingent of the North Sumatra Regional Board, Mayasari (38), won second place in the cultural cavalcade in the Nitilaku 2024 event held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the 15th Lustrum on Sunday (15/12/2024).

North Sumatra Kagama Showcases 8 Ethnics Traditional Attires at 2024 UGM Nitilaku Cultural Cavalcade

THE EDITOR – The Alumni of Gadjah Mada University (Kagama) in North Sumatra showcased eight traditional outfits from eight ethnic groups in North Sumatra at the 2024 Nitilaku Cultural Cavalcade event held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the 15th Lustrum on Sunday (15/12/2024).

Commanding the National Health Day Ceremony, Regent Ipuk Appreciates the Hard Work of All Banyuwangi Health Workers

THE EDITOR – Banyuwangi Regent Ipuk Fiestiandani expressed her appreciation to all health workers during the 60th National Health Day held at the Banyuwangi Regency Government yard on Monday (25/11/2023).

Rektor UGM : Terima Kasih Kagama Sumut Karena Fasilitasi Pakaian Adat Suku Karo Untuk Saya

YOGYAKARTA - Rektor UGM Professor Ova Emilia mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Keluarga Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada (Kagama) Sumatera Utara karena telah memfasilitasi ia memakai...

Pimpin Upacara HUT RI, Rektor UGM Pakai Baju Adat Karo

YOGYAKARTA - Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) ikut serta memeriahkan acara hari ulang tahun kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang jatuh pada hari ini, Sabtu (17/8). Rektor, Guru...

Balenciaga Rilis Gelang Lakban Seharga Rp52 Juta

JAKARTA – Balenciaga kembali menjadi topik perbincangan di media sosial dengan salah satu kreasi modenya yang tidak disangka-sangka. Kreasi tersebut adalah sebuah gelang seharga puluhan...
