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Preserving Nature, Tree Planting Event Held at Watu Payung Prambanan Tourism Centre

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The tree planting movement was held at Watu Payung Tourism Destination, Sambirejo Village, Prambanan, Sleman, Tuesday (7/1/2025). The activity entitled “Keeping the Earth Sustainable, Keeping the Generation Independent, Keeping the Body Happy” was held in collaboration with various parties.

Head of Sambirejo Village, Prambanan Wahyu Nugroho, said the event was held at Watu Payung for the first time. He hopes that more and more people will recognise the destination so that it will be visited by many tourists. He is trying to collaborate with various parties including Kejati DIY and universities to realise the development of the destination.

Watu Payung is expected to become a buffer destination after Breksi, considering Sambirejo has been designated as a sustainable tourism destination. A number of activities were held, including sports, colouring competitions for children, and tree planting. The essence of these activities is an effort to preserve both culture and nature.

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“We hope that by planting productive [fruit] trees, it can be useful and preserve nature in the future,” he said.

Head of the Yogyakarta High Prosecutor’s Office Ahelya Abustam, who attended the event, appreciated the community’s efforts in developing the destination. He agreed that efforts to preserve nature must continue. In addition to keeping the environment beautiful, it can also prevent natural disasters or extreme weather such as floods that currently occur frequently.

“Conservation efforts by planting trees in the Watu Payung tourism area can also be an anticipation of the extreme weather that often occurs–which is concerning. So, we must pay attention to our surroundings,” he said.

According to him, the Watu Payung destination is very worthy of being visited by tourists as it offers unique and interesting natural scenery at a height. “It was an empty land before. But it can be transformed like this, and now it’s well organised. It is surely an interesting potential destination. It can be an alternative for tourists to see the sunrise, very beautiful,” he said.

Head of STIE Pariwisata API Jogja Susilo Budi Winarno assessed that community-based tourism development is very important for students as one of the learning objectives. He appreciated the village government for giving students the opportunity to work on the development of the destination.

“Students can apply the theories obtained in college to help manage tourist destinations, such as the current collaboration event. Because it can be a tourism promotion, conveying to the public that there is an alternative destination that is interesting, beautiful, offering to watch the sunrise. Hopefully, it can be the choice of tourists in the future,” he said.


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