THE EDITOR - Walikota Makassar Moh Ramdhan Pomanto meraih Apresiasi Kinerja Pemerintahan Daerah 2024 kategori Kinerja Total Tingkat Kota untuk daerah fiskal sedang.
Apresiasi yang...
JAKARTA – Makassar Mayor Moh. Ramdhan "Danny" Pomanto won the 2024 Regional Government Performance Appreciation in the category of City Level Total Performance for...
MAKASSAR – The Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Makassar City held Tax Award 2024 at Phinisi Ballroom Claro, Friday (6/12/2024).
Makassar Mayor Moh. Ramdhan "Danny"...
THE EDITOR – Makassar Mayor Moh. Ramdhan "Danny" Pomanto is back in office after having approximately two months of campaign leave. On his first day at work, he immediately fixed the government system that had stagnated when he was absent.
THE EDITOR - Walikota Makassar Ramdhan Pomanto kembali berkantor dan setelah cuti kampanye kurang lebih dua bulan. Di hari pertama bekerja, ia langsung memperbaiki sistem pemerintahan yang mandek saat tidak dipantau olehnya.
MAKASSAR – The grand campaign of the candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor of South Sulawesi Danny Pomanto and Azhar Arsyad (DIA) ran smoothly...
MAKASSAR – The Danny-Azhar (DIA) grand campaign, which was attended by 50 thousand sympathizers, took place in the CPI area, MNEK Monument, Friday (22/11/2024).
THE EDITOR – Shelter Warga (Community Shelter) is the only citizen assistance programme in Indonesia initiated by Makassar Mayor Moh. Ramdhan 'Danny' Pomanto through the Department of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP3A).