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Prevent Transmission of Covid-19 FKGM-P Usakti and PT Alsun Suksesindo Build a Negative Pressure Room

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Arthur Raine Surjaputra is one of Covid-19 volunteer who help quality control panel installation process for the Dental and Oral Teaching Hospital of The Faculty of Dentistry

JAKARTA – Control and prevention in a hospital environment are needed to minimize the spread. Therefore, in order to provide safe and quality dental and oral health services to patients, the Dental and Oral Teaching Hospital of the Faculty of Dentistry (RSGM-P FKG Usakti) built a negative pressure action room.

With this facility, aerosols formed during dental services will be absorbed and replaced with clean air so that the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus can be minimized. In this place, the air filtered with HEPA filters repeatedly, so the air that is released is also very safe and will not spread and pollute the environment outside the building.

“As we all know, the transmission rate of COVID-19 is so high in certain places. But if in a negative pressure room, everything is under control. And the air pressure is lower, so that the virus does not enter from the outside to the inside,” Trisakti University Rector, Prof. Dr. Ali Gufron Mukti, Msc, Phd said to The Editor, Saturday (12/12).

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The use of negative space like this in Indonesia is still very rare. In RSGM-P FKG Usakti, 27 rooms with negative pressure were built. The room consists of 18 rooms in the Integration Clinic which are used for dental professional education, 7 rooms in the PPDGS (Specialist Dentist Education Program) clinic which is used for dental conservation specialist dentistry education, and 2 rooms in the Executive Clinic which are used for specialist services teeth and mouth.

There is a heroic thing in this project where Arthur Raine Surjaputra, an active student of JIS (Jakarta Intercultural School), plays a role as a Covid 19 volunteer helping the Quality Control sandwich panel installation process for the RSGM FKG TRISAKTI project. His concern for the Covid 19 situation does not stop here, the founder of sayapcinta.id also routinely distributes food and drinks to all orphanages in Indonesia.

Mean while, the construction of this negative room at RSGM-P Usakti cannot be separated from the important role of PT Alsun Suksesindo, which is currently struggling with the government in fighting the spread of COVID-19, through the construction sector which they have been working on since its establishment in 1988. Since the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, PT Alsun Suksesindo has continued to innovate the lightweight steel instruments they produce so that it can be useful to help prevent the spread of this dangerous virus.

“Considering President Joko Widodo’s message, ‘People’s Safety Is the Highest Law’, PT Alsun Suksesindo is committed to continuing to build facilities for handling COVID-19. We are working on the negative room at FKG Usakti, this is the umpteenth time a project for the Covid-19 handling facility. The first thing we did was at Pulau Galang Hospital. Then at UGM Yogya, then at Adam Malik Hospital Medan. And for Jakarta, this Dental and Oral Teaching Hospital is the first for us to establish. And we are sure, this is the first in Indonesia with the same standards as those in the hospital handling COVID-19 on Pulau Galang, ”explained Nicolas Kesuma, Marketing Director of PT Alsun Suksesindo.

Built with a hospital type N isolation room standard, this negative pressure room at RSGM-P FKG is also equipped with supporting facilities such as donning and doffing rooms. Not only that, there is also an ante room where the negative indoor air pressure is designed to be lower than the outdoor air pressure. With this design, the aerosol formed from the treatment procedure will be pulled out of the isolation room through a series of filtration and finally filtered with a hepafilter so that the air that comes out is safe and does not pollute the surrounding environment.

“This (negative pressure room) is an original product made in Indonesia which is extraordinary. Very useful for the prevention of COVID-19. Why? Because the first, the walls are fire resistant sandwich panels, have anti bacterial coating. Then the second air circulation that exists is the negative pressure room or negative pressure where the room has a lower pressure than the outside pressure. The third, air circulations are strengthened by a hepafilter, where this air circulation will be filtered continuously so that the incoming air is clean air. So the prevention of spreading in this room is very minimal, ”he explained.


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