JAKARTA – Committee III of Indonesian Regional Representative Council (DPD RI) had completed the finalization of the formulation of the Amendment Bill to Act No. 10/2009 on Tourism.
This bill will be used as the views and opinion of DPD RI regarding the revision of the Tourism Act which is considered outdated and not in accordance with current developments in the tourism sector.
“Committee III of DPD RI hopes that in this finalization, we can enhance the material content that is considered urgent or important and other matters to be included in the draft bill and academic texts that have been prepared so far. This, initiative bill of Committee III of DPD RI, can be useful for the nation and state, especially the people in the regions,” said Chairman of Committee III DPD RI Hasan Basri in DPD RI’s Office, Tuesday (4/6).
He also hopes that the Amendment Bill can encourage the tourism sector in stimulating an increase in foreign exchange, creating jobs, and triggering economic growth in the regions.
“Hopefully it can improve the welfare of the surrounding community and contribute to national economic growth,” added the senator from North Kalimantan who is familiarly called HB.
In the finalization meeting, Chairman of the Expert Team of the Amendment Bill to the Tourism Act Committee III of DPD RI Yahya Ahmad Zein explained that this bill has a sustainable principle, with changes that aim to reinforce the principle of sustainability in tourism development so that tourist destinations are not threatened.
Second, there are partnership arrangements between the central and the regional government. Third, the inclusive aspect, which emphasizes inclusive community involvement. The goal is that stakeholders in the regions can be involved as much as possible.
“The old law or Job Creation was not comprehensive enough to emphasize the involvement of stakeholders in the regions,” he explained.
Fourth, he continued, related to the roles and responsibilities of the government. In this Amendment Bill, the roles and responsibilities of the government are strengthened, both in planning, development, and supervision. This is because government supervision so far is still considered not optimal.
Fifth, the information system, which reinforces the context of the information system as part of the implementation of tourism as a strategic element.
Sixth, clarifying and emphasizing the role of the Indonesian Tourism Promotion Board and its relationship with the government.
“This is in article 33. The design of the promotion agency will be carried out by the private sector in partnership with the government as a facilitator, and the marketing part belongs to the Ministry of Tourism. The design pattern of the agency does not take authority in the Ministry of Tourism, but puts it in its position, so that entrepreneurs can continue to promote with a partnership mechanism with the government,” he explained.
In finalizing the Amendment Bill to the Tourism Act, several members of Committee III of DPD RI also conveyed input related to the development of Indonesian tourism.
DPD RI member from Gorontalo Rahmijati Jahja hoped that the Amendment Bill to the Tourism Law can regulate additional tourism-related costs that burden the community.
She mentioned the government’s discourse that would collect tourism fees through airline tickets as an example. According to her, this policy is not appropriate, because it will burden the community.
“How come everything is taxed? Tickets, tolls, PBB, Tapera, we are all taxed. I hope we need to think about this, tourism can be sustainable, but don’t let us become cash cows,” she said.
Meanwhile, DPD RI member from South Sulawesi Lily Amelia Salurapa hopes that the Amendment Bill carried by DPD RI can create sustainable tourism which also optimizes increased economic growth, reduces poverty, and reduces unemployment.
“Sustainable principles are very important, where management must be supported by an integrated information system, up-to-date service infrastructure, and involve direct community participation so that it can grow with tourism as a unit,” she added.
Meanwhile, DPD RI member from Central Java Bambang Sutrisno advised the Amendment Bill to create a partnership concept that protects stakeholders and communities in the region.
It is because the concept of partnership in tourism management can open the entrance of foreign companies that actually control the management of tourist destinations in the region.
“We ask that on this occasion, it is emphasized that there are restrictions. Don’t surprise us with the decision as there are so many things that are beyond our expectations every time there is a law decision,” he explained.
On the same occasion, DPD RI member from Bali Anak Agung Gde Agung hoped that the Amendment Bill to the Tourism Law can encourage tourism management that prioritizes respect for the norms, customs, culture, and local wisdom of the local community.
This is because many foreign tourists visiting Indonesia, especially Bali, commit actions that harm the local community and have led to criminal acts.
“We have to think about this. Tourism must respect religion, customs and culture, as well as local wisdom, this is a good point,” he said.
Wrapping the meeting, members of Committee III of DPD RI approved the results of the drafting of the Amendment Bill to the Tourism Act and will bring it to the next stage in the form of harmonization with the Bill Drafting Committee (PPUU) DPD RI before being passed in the Plenary Session of DPD RI.