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Until June 2020, Corona Kill 7106 People in St. Petersburg, Russia. It Is The Highest Mortality Rate Over The Past 10 Years

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RUSSIA – The length of the territory of Russia from north to south exceeds 4000 km, from west to east it approaches 10,000 km. As of January 1, 2020, the resident population of Russia is 146.74 million people. It is naive to believe that such a huge and immense country escapes with “little blood.”

Latest situation in St. Petersburg, Russia (The Editor/Ksenia)

According to official statistics, the number of cases in the country is 721 thousand people, 497 thousand have recovered, and a little more than 11 thousand have died. It should be borne in mind that these are only those who tested on covid-19 in hospitals or laboratories, because they had symptoms or had contact with patients. And how many more thousands of people remain not diagnosed for any reason?

It has long been known that a new coronovirus infection has 3 degrees of disease severity: asymptomatic, mild / moderate, severe with the development of complications in the form of unilateral or bilateral pneumonia with the need to connect the patient to an artificial lung ventilation device.

If a person discovers symptoms of a coronovirus infection, he must call an ambulance and cannot just turn to the clinic to his local doctor. After the call, an ambulance arrives and conducts a test for covid-19, and then you wait for the results and further instructions.

Most often, in the current situation, when places in hospitals are sorely lacking, people with mild to moderate illness are sent to be treated at home, under their own responsibility. Sometimes it happens that a newly discharged patient is brought back again, with an already more severe form of the disease.

How is this possible? The problem lies in the organization of medical care for patients. Often you can find on the Internet information about the treatment from people who have gone through this. And after that, it becomes even more frightening to be in the very center of events. Since medical facilities cannot cope with the load, the protocols and treatment algorithms are often not followed, people have nowhere to place. The situation is actually much worse than statistics and the media show us.

A little about how things are in St. Petersburg. Statistics is relevant on July 11th. The total number of infected is 27 thousand people, 1.5 thousand dead, 21 thousand have recovered. But do these numbers speak for something or not? The official easing of quarantine measures in St. Petersburg began on June 1. Now, the self-isolation regime for senior citizens over 65 is recommendatory in nature, it remains mandatory to wear personal protective equipment in public places, transport and shops, notarial and legal offices are open.

So, with small steps at intervals of 2 weeks, museums, swimming pools and fitness clubs, shops and hairdressers began to open, the usual work schedule of the subway and public transport is being restored. It seems that the city is slowly returning to ordinary life, but this is far from the reality. The city continues to have a difficult epidemiological situation. Hospitals are crowded, and doctors are working hard.

The highest mortality rate over the past 10 years was established in St. Petersburg, 7106 people died in June. Later, the Health Committee explained that this was due to the peak of the epidemic. Coronavirus became the root cause of death immediately in 1281 Petersburgers. Also, the infection was detected in 2419 people, but they died from severe chronic diseases and did not fall into official statistics.


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