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This is How Bina Pemdes Creates Thousands of Happy Villages in Indonesia

THE EDITOR – Happy villages is one of the main programmes being worked on by the Directorate General of Village Government Development (Ditjen Bina...

Boosting PAD, PAKINTA Innovation of Makassar to be Learnt by Officials

MAKASSAR – Regional officials from all over Indonesia are encouraged to learn from the Makassar City Government in order to increase regional revenue from...

P3PD Considered The Most Massive Training Since Indonesia’s Independence Day

JAKARTA – In a collaboration with the World Bank, the central government provides training for village officials in the Strengthening Village Governance and Development...

1,437 Villages in North Sumatra Participate in P3PD 2023 Training

NORTH SUMATERA – A total of 1,437 villages in North Sumatra participated in the training of the 2023 Village Governance and Development Strengthening Programme...

Dirjen Bina Pemdes of Kemendagri To Complete The Village Boundary Map at The End of 2023

JAKARTA – The Directorate General of Village Government Development (Ditjen Bina Pemdes) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) encourages the acceleration of completing...

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