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SPBE Implementation to Lead to Efficient and Effective Public Services

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JAKARTA – Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) is not just a technology. It is also a transformation and paradigm. Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said SPBE is not just about mobile applications.

According to him, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has mandated that the presence of bureaucracy is to serve, not complicate or even slow down any process of public service. Therefore, the implementation of SPBE is expected to lead to effective and efficient public services.

“Therefore, the president advised that central agencies and regional governments must stop creating new mobile applications that are not effective and efficient,” Anas said in Jakarta, Tuesday (16/7).

Baca Juga:

Based on data from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, there are currently more than 27,000 mobile applications at the central and regional levels. To be effective and efficient, Anas requested that existing applications be integrated and maximized.

This is in line with the spirit of the current SPBE implementation which prioritizes integration and cohesiveness.

“Central agencies and regional governments must jointly integrate. In addition, interoperability of applications and data to create a service ecosystem, consolidating integrated public services into one service portal, and strengthening Digital Public Infrastructure as a toll road for digitalisation of public services,” Anas explained.

Met separately when opening the online Socialization of SPBE Evaluation Year 2024, Tuesday (16/7), Deputy for Institutional and Management of the Ministry of PANRB Nanik Murwati said that the successful implementation of SPBE must be supported by human resources, in this case the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) with digital talent.

The fulfillment of these human resources can be done through ASN recruitment prioritizing HR qualifications that already have digital talents.

“These qualifications are good for SPBE managers through alignment with the digital competency dictionary and for ASN in general (Non-SPBE Managers) through basic digital literacy competencies, to realize digital bureaucracy,” she explained.

Furthermore, Nanik also said that the Ministry of PANRB as the Chairperson of the National SPBE Coordination Team in 2024 is targeting the achievement of SPBE implementation evaluation with a national index of 2.85 conducted on 638 locus of central and regional government agencies.

The SPBE evaluation process that will be carried out is not only oriented towards increasing the SPBE Index value through document fulfillment without prioritizing the application of substance, but what is expected is an integrated SPBE implementation that leads to effective and efficient public services.

“In addition, this evaluation is also expected to capture the implementation of SPBE in central and local government agencies and nationally, to then determine strategic steps in improvement efforts. Hopefully, through the role and assistance of all stakeholders, what is the main objective in the implementation of the SPBE evaluation can be achieved,” she added.

In line with the Minister, Assistant Deputy for Policy Formulation and Coordination of SPBE Implementation of the Ministry of PANRB Cahyono Tri Birowo emphasized that SPBE does not need to add applications.

Any new innovations or functions can be integrated into existing applications, without the need to create separate new applications.

“So it is necessary to avoid one innovation for one application, because new innovations can be integrated into existing applications,” he explained.


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