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Are You Seldom Satisfied, Easily Bored, Or Constantly Critical? If So, There’s A Deeper Reason For Your Discontent

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You spend the whole day making sure everyone is happy, but who is taking care of YOU? Before anyone can love and care for you, you must learn to love yourself. Learn the single most powerful therapeutic technique I know to gain back your sense of peace and contentment, regardless of how stressful your life feels now.

I consider “IF ONLY” to be two very dangerous words.

They’re dangerous because they actually distract us from the real cause of our unhappiness.

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“IF ONLY” has us looking for answers outside ourselves, forever trying to change how others behave in order to feel better about our own lives.

We believe that our relationships, work and health could be better, if only this person acted a certain way, or if only there weren’t so many obstacles in the way.

It turns us away from the one thing that CAN change how we feel about our lives.

And that is looking within, to how we really feel about ourselves.

Because in order to feel at peace and fully content with our lives, we must first and foremost learn to love ourselves.

But here’s the tricky part:

Most of us don’t even realize that we don’t love ourselves.

We think “if only” we could make a little more money, we could afford the things that would make us really happy… like remodeling our kitchen, buying a better car, or booking a vacation to Hawaii.

If only we could get some cooperation around the house from our partner or kids, we could finally relax and do something nice for ourselves instead of wearing ourselves out keeping things tidy and functioning.

If only we didn’t work such long hours or have such a long commute, we would have the energy to go to the gym and eat better, and take better care of our health.

But the truth is none of those “if only’s” will make us feel happy at all.

Even if we got everything we wanted, there would be something else that would eat away at our contentment, because the “if only’s” are only SYMPTOMS of the real problem.

So we need to get clear about the real problem, so we can focus on a solution that will REALLY work.

By Katie & Gay Hendricks


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