CRIMEA – It’s home to a diverse collection of plants and is strongly recommended for anyone interested in botany, floristry or nature in general. There are more than fifty thousand species and variations to be seen throughout, from well-known plants to exotic ones that aren’t as commonly seen.
Roughly eleven square kilometres in size, Nikitsky Botanical Garden is big enough that you can easily spend a few hours here admiring all the plants and taking in the views.
While its flower and plant displays are a real feast for the eyes, the garden is more than just a display of attractive flora; in fact, it’s where a lot of important scientific research takes place. Many fruit trees found throughout the region exist because of the garden. They were acclimatised here before being relocated elsewhere.
Nikitsky Botanical Garden is located within the village of Nikita, which is home to just over two thousand people. The village is on the southern coast of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and is a short distance from the resort city of Yalta.
Thanks to its many attractions, which include parks, museums, a zoo and various historical buildings, the city attracts plenty of tourists. Many of these visit the nearby village of Nikita to pay a visit to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. The garden lies not too far from the Black Sea, which can be seen from many places throughout the site.
Nikitsky Botanical Garden holds the distinction of being one of the oldest botanical gardens in all of Europe. It’s been open to the public since 1812 and has been delighting visitors for over two hundred years.
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From the centre of Yalta, it should take around twenty minutes by car or taxi to reach the garden. There is a local bus service that runs from Yalta and stops at the garden, though this is the slower option. If you decide to go on the bus, it can take around an hour to reach the garden from the city centre. If you choose this option, why not enjoy the extra time with a game of roulette at a top casino site? You can find a list of them here. The busses to take are as follows:
No. 29 from the Pionerskaya stop in Yalta
No. 34 from the Veshchevoi market stop in Yalta
There’s also the option to get the trolleybus No. 2 or No. 53 from the Veshchevoi market stop. Whichever bus or trolleybus you decide to get, Nikitsky Botanical Garden will be the last stop. Both the bus and the trolleybus conveniently take you right up to the garden’s main entrance.
When you get there, tickets can be bought at the main reception building. For adults, the cost of a ticket is two hundred rubles, while for schoolchildren they’re reduced to a hundred rubles. If you want to visit the on-site museum, the cost is an extra fifty rubles for adults and twenty-five for schoolchildren. There are various discounts available for people who meet certain criteria, such as disabled people and carers, WWII veterans and large groups.
From November to April, the garden’s open from every day from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The closing time is extended to 8:00 pm from May to October.
If you visit during the summer season, the garden may have quite a lot of visitors, but it shouldn’t be too crowded to spoil your day. The beauty of a garden like this is that even if there are lots of people there, you should still be able to wander about and find a quieter area where you can escape the crowds and relax.
The advantage of visiting when the garden’s open later is that you can experience it at sunset. While it’s a beautiful place to be during the day, viewing the many plants and flowers as the sun goes down is very worthwhile indeed; it makes the place seem even more attractive and special than it already is.