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The General Secretariat of DPD RI Launches JDIH Application

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JAKARTA – The General Secretariat of The House of Regional Representative of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) has launched the mobile application of the Legal Documentation and Information Network (JDIH).

Available for Android only for now, this application is an innovation in digitizing legal product documents that are appropriate for developing JDIH via smartphones.

“Through this application, we hope that the Leaders and Members of the DPD RI and the whole community can easily access and find out about the legal products of the DPD RI,” said the Deputy for Trial of General Secretariat of DPD RI Sefty Ramsiaty during the launch of JDIH at the DPD RI Building, Jakarta, Monday (20/2).

According to her, documentation of legal products has been important and is now done digitally or paperless.

Moreover, digitizing legal product documents is a necessity seeing how technology has developed and makes the demand for innovations that are easily accessible and transparent high.

“Obviously, making this happen is not easy. We realize that digital legal product documentation and information dissemination activities require the cooperation and commitment of all parties,” said Sefty.

Apart from that, continued Sefty, support from all related fields is also needed in collecting and documenting the legal products of the DPD RI institutions digitally.

“Regarding this, we will continue to coordinate and cooperate with related parties including JDIHN in documenting and disseminating information about DPD RI legal products which are our core business,” she said.

Sefty explained that the JDIH of General Secretariat of the DPD RI continued to receive the JDIH Awards in the category of state institutions consecutively from 2019 to 2022.

Coming from that, DPD RI wants JDIH to not only have a website but an application on a smartphone that can be downloaded easily by anyone.

“We realize that currently almost all JDIH users own and use smartphones, so it would be nice if the JDIH of the General Secretariat of the DPD RI had an Android application,” he said.

JDIHN Legal Document Automation Coordinator Emalia Suwartika said that she had been waiting for today’s launch for a long time.

According to her, the launch of this application is an additional assessment in the JDIH Awards.

“Hopefully this launch will add to the assessment of the upcoming JDIH Awards,” she said.

Emalia hopes that by launching the application, the management of the JDIH of the General Secretariat of DPD RI will become even better.

It is because after being launched, the legal products of the DPD RI will be easier to be accessed by many people.

“Promotions must be carried out so that all stakeholders know about this application. Thus, we give our highest appreciation regarding this launch,” she concluded.


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