THE EDITOR – The Pamong Desa Learning Management System (LMS) application provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Directorate General of Village Government Development (Bina Pemdes) has been very helpful for village officials in solving various problems in implementing policies.
THE EDITOR – The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs stated that women's empowerment plays a role in developing villages in Indonesia.
THE EDITOR – The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs discussed the preliminary findings of data collection on the Strengthening Women's Empowerment and Village Development study in 8 districts.
THE EDITOR – The Ministry of Home Affairs through its Directorate General of Village Governance (Bina Pemdes) will conduct online training for 80,000 village officials. This training will start simultaneously throughout Indonesia through a specialised application, Pamong Desa Learning Management System (LSM).
THE EDITOR – Arif Pokan (33), Head of Finance in Sintuwulemba Village, Lage Sub-district, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, said he became more confident in presenting the village budget after receiving training in the Village Government and Development Strengthening Programme (P3PD) at the end of 2023.
THE EDITOR - Pelatihan P3PD (Program Penguatan Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Desa) telah membawa iklim kepemimpinan baru bagi kepala desa yang ada di Indonesia. Meski...
THE EDITOR – The Strengthening Village Governance and Development Programme (P3PD) training has brought a new leadership environment to village heads in Indonesia. Although...
THE EDITOR - Pelatihan P3PD (Program Penguatan Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Desa) telah membawa iklim kepemimpinan baru bagi kepala desa yang ada di Indonesia. Meski...
THE EDITOR - Puluhan kepala desa mulai berani dan makin kreatif usai mendapat kesempatan dari pemerintah untuk ikut pelatihan P3PD (Program Penguatan Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Desa). Salah satu target yang sangat diinginkan oleh pemerintah yaitu agar kepala desa mampu menyusun anggaran yang baik dan berpihak pada pembangunan desa untuk kemakmuran masyarakat juga berhasil mereka lakukan.
THE EDITOR – Dozens of village heads have become bolder and more creative in making decisions after receiving the opportunity from the government to participate in the Strengthening Village Governance and Development Programme (P3PD) training.