BANDUNG – Training to strengthen the capacity of village officials officially started.
Hundreds of thousands of participants spread across 33 provinces are ready to receive...
BANDUNG – The Inspector General (Irjen) of the Ministry of Home Affairs Tomsi Tohir Balaw expressed his hopes regarding the implementation of the Village...
MALANG – The Director General (Dirjen) of Village Government Development (Bina Pemdes) of the Ministry of Home Affairs Eko Prasetyanto Purnomo Putro stated that...
JAKARTA – If the village is developed, independent and prosperous, the central government will also experience the same thing.
This was conveyed by the Director...
MALANG – The Director General (Dirjen) of Village Government Development (Bina Pemdes) of the Ministry of Home Affairs Eko Prasetyanto Purnomo Putro requested that...
MALANG – Each province in Indonesia must be able to simulate the implementation of Village Apparatus Training (PAD) in the Village Governance Strengthening and...
JAKARTA – The Village Governance Strengthening and Developing Program (P3PD) is a government program to support the implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014...
BANDUNG – The training for the Village Government and Development Strengthening Program (P3PD) has been officially started.
The Ministry of Home Affairs through The Directorate...
JAKARTA – The Village Governance Strengthening and Developing Program (P3PD) formed by the Indonesian government and the World Bank will target 66,000 villages.
The Director...
JAKARTA – “Let’s Reach The Golden Indonesia 2045 from the village!”
This was stated by the Director General (Dirjen) of Village Government Development (Bina Pemdes)...