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Committee I of DPD RI: Villages Should Be the Focus of Development

JAKARTA – Committee I of Indonesian Regional Representative Council (DPD RI) assesses that the large affirmation policy given to the village has the opportunity...

P3PD Considered The Most Massive Training Since Indonesia’s Independence Day

JAKARTA – In a collaboration with the World Bank, the central government provides training for village officials in the Strengthening Village Governance and Development...

P3PD is Expected to Fulfill President Jokowi’s Nawacita

BANDUNG – The Inspector General (Irjen) of the Ministry of Home Affairs Tomsi Tohir Balaw expressed his hopes regarding the implementation of the Village...

The Village Government Must Be Able to Optimize BUMDes

JAKARTA – To improve leadership and entrepreneurship skills, the Directorate General of Village Government Development (Ditjen Bina Pemdes) of the Ministry of Home Affairs...

Pemerintah Desa Harus Bisa Optimalisasi BUMDes

JAKARTA - Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kepemimpinan dan kewirausahaan, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Pemerintahan Desa (Ditjen Bina Pemdes) Kementerian Dalam Negeri melatih kepala desa dan aparatur...

Pasca Covid Petani Gianyar Rasakan Manfaat Pupuk Organik Buatan Sendiri

GIANYAR – Para petani di Desa Sidan, Kabupaten Gianyar, Provinsi Bali, kini bisa menikmati hasil panen mereka yang menggunakan pupuk organik. Setelah sebelumnya mengeluhkan kesulitan...

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