JAKARTA – Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Abdullah Azwar Anas and Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin emphasised their special focus on the recruitment of health workers.
Health workers are considered as talents that support basic services in the community, so they need to continue to grow positively.
“We have projected the growth of the number of ASN in the future: there is zero growth, negative growth, and positive growth,” said Anas at the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform office on Wednesday (29/11).
“These health workers will continue to grow positively, because they support the running of basic public services, namely health,” he continued.
Minister Anas said that the recruitment of health workers is similar to education personnel, which is growing positively because it plays a significant role in society.
“In the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, we really pay attention to what kind of talent is needed in the community and according to the times,” said the former Head of LKPP.
“Including formations that have been replaced by digital, then we do not recruit anymore. But for education and health that are not replaced, it will grow positively,” he added.
The recruitment of health workers this year has also been given several affirmations, including for those ex-THK 2 and non-ASN given special formations, and based on the best ranking.
“This year, the number of health worker formations that we have determined in the ongoing CASN is 153,432 PPPK health worker formations,” said Anas.
On the same occasion, Minister Budi said that the ongoing health transformation requires a large number of health workers.
Thus, the affirmation for health worker recruitment is in line with that of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform.
“At the Ministry of Health, we still lack health workers in 514 districts/cities. That is what we discussed with Minister Anas, how to fill all health facilities with doctors and nurses,” Budi concluded.