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Meeting Minister Tito, Minister Anas Appreciates Ministry of Home Affairs’ Bureaucratic Reform Achievements

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JAKARTA – Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas appreciates the performance of the Ministry of Home Affairs in implementing bureaucratic reform and performance accountability.

This is shown by the Ministry’s Bureaucratic Reform (RB) and Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) Index which have continued to increase in the last five years.

“We appreciate the performance of the Ministry of Home Affairs as its RB Index continues to increase and its peak in 2023 gets the predicate A. Likewise, the SAKIP Index continues to increase and finally gets the BB predicate. The Ministry’s score is above the average RB and SAKIP scores of ministries/institutions in 2023,” said Minister Anas after a meeting with Minister of Home Affairs M. Tito Karnavian at the Ministry of PANRB Office, Friday (28/6).

He also revealed that the increase in the Ministry’s RB Index score was not only due to the assessment of the Ministry’s good implementation of General RB. It is also supported by the Ministry’s contribution in implementing the five thematic RB focuses.

“The Ministry of Home Affairs plays a lot of roles in the implementation of Thematic RB, especially in the focus of poverty alleviation and handling inflation, which makes its value of Thematic RB quite large. Many ministries and institutions experienced their RB scores dropping because they do not implement Thematic RB,” he continued.

Minister Anas is optimistic that Minister Tito and the Ministry of Home Affairs will continue to improve their performance in the implementation of SAKIP and RB.

In addition to talking about RB and SAKIP, he also expressed his appreciation for the collaboration between the Ministry of PANRB and the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Especially in several priority issues and action plans that are interrelated in the fields of public services, apparatus human resources, to bureaucratic reform, apparatus accountability, and supervision.

“We are optimistic that what the Ministry of Home Affairs is doing can have a direct impact on the community through local government instruments throughout Indonesia,” he said.

On the same occasion, Minister of Home Affairs M. Tito Karnavian said that the Ministry of Home Affairs continues to strive for the implementation of RB and SAKIP to run well. He conveyed that this implementation is to create professional bureaucrats.

Its implementation in the Ministry of Home Affairs is not only to improve the internal of the ministry. The Ministry also plays a role in encouraging and providing guidance, supervision, and improving the implementation of RB in local governments.

“Good implementation of RB and SAKIP also marks the occurrence of good bureaucratic changes, marked by RB scores and SAKIP scores. We are grateful for the guidance and assistance from the Ministry of PANRB, so that this assessment can encourage us to perform better to create a good bureaucracy and not make things difficult,” Minister Tito concluded.


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