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Implement the Ministry of Home Affairs’ P3PD Program, Villages in Indonesia Will Move Forward

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JAKARTA – The government pays serious attention to villages, one of which is through Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. Since the law was issued, the village has become the main focus in the country’s development.

The government is indeed in the midst of intensively strengthening village governance and development, with increasing government capacity and the quality of village spending believed to be key factors for the success of village development.

For this reason, the Village Governance Strengthening and Developing Program (P3PD) is launched.

Baca Juga:

“Fortunately we have P3PD, so we can train village officials,” said the Director General of Village Government Development (Dirjen Bina Pemdes) Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Eko Prasetyanto Purnomo Putro at the opening of the Training of Trainers (ToT) for Village Officials Training (basic) at the Novotel Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday.

The Spearhead of P3PD’s Success is The Headman

P3PD is a government program that focuses on providing and developing support for strengthening governance and developing and empowering village communities that are accountable, participatory and in accordance with local needs.

This program has 3 (three) activity targets. They are the availability of a system for providing program interventions in technology-based capacity building, the availability of new digital technology-based learning support at locations, the development of results-oriented national leadership and coordination.

It is hoped that P3PD will bring changes to the guidance and supervision system for villages and local governments through innovation in the development of an efficient capacity building system based on big data using digital technology.

The importance of coordination, assistance, innovation, supervision and guidance by all parties involved in this program. Village development assistance, not only in the quantity of companions but also in terms of quality.

The spearhead of the success of village development in implementing the Village Law and P3PD are the headmen, village officials and the village community itself.

For this reason, the village development program is able to develop superior potential in the village by involving the pentahelix partnership that includes the government, private sector, universities, community and media.


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