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Celebrating the 253rd Anniversary, Banyuwangi Abolishes Fines for Rural and Urban Land and Building Tax

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BANYUWANGI – Celebrating the 253rd Anniversary of Banyuwangi, the Banyuwangi Regency Government abolishes fines for Rural and Urban Land and Building Tax (PBB-P2). This programme has started since 1 November and will end on 31 December 2024.

This abolishment is stated in Banyuwangi Regent Decree Number 185/560/KEP/429.011/2024 concerning the Elimination of PBB-P2 Administrative Sanction Fines.

“Banyuwangi residents are encouraged to take advantage of this programme. Payment can be made with various schemes,” said Banyuwangi Regent Ipuk Fiestiandani, Wednesday (11/12/2024).

Baca Juga:

PBB Banyuwangi payments can be made manually through the village government office and minimarket, or online through various parties ranging from m-banking, e-wallets such as ShopeePay, Tokopedia, Gopay, and others.

By taking advantage of the fine abolishment programme, taxpayers who have PBB arrears between 1994-2024 only need to pay the principal tax. They can pay off their obligations without having to pay late payment penalties.

Acting Head of Banyuwangi Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda), Firman Sanyoto, added that the programme has proven effective in boosting PBB realisation. After almost one month, the realisation of PBB has reached 95.84 per cent of the target set at IDR 60,75 billion this year.

Based on data from Banyuwangi Bapenda, as of 11 December 2024, 51,538 deposit receipt letters (STTS) or proof of payment of land and building tax (PBB) have been submitted with a total principal amount of IDR 3,6 billion. Meanwhile, the potential fines written off are worth IDR 613 million.

“This is the achievement of PBB realisation during the programme. We are optimistic that PBB realisation will continue to grow since the programme is still running until the end of December,” said Firman.

He also explained that, of the total 830,692 tax notices (SPPT) distributed, 675,577 have been paid.


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